Obrazci Detskogo Portfolio Dlya Maljchika V Det Sadu
Ana Polak Petri−, Irena Jager Agius, Andraž Zidar (ur.) P−žčfi ČŽThffiž−fiThffifffl fifiTh 579. 580 Ana Polak Petri−, Irena Jager Agius, Andraž Zidar (ur.) REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Stevilka: 921-95-65/92-6 Ljubljana, 5. 1992 VLADA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE. A> portfolio-vospitatelya.
While there is value in knowing how many visitors are finding your web site, some of the other reports that give an indication of which web pages they are visiting, what search terms they used to find you, and what Search Engines, etc. Referred them to your site are also valuable. For example, if there are certain important pages of your web site that don't seem to be attracting visitors, possibly some changes should be made to your web site that will draw more attention to those pages. Or if there are search terms that should be being used to find your site, but aren't, that may be an indication that those terms aren't used with as much frequency on your web pages as they should be for good Search Engine indexing.
全部下書きで入った。インポート時の設定で回避すればよかった、、。 とりあえずlog自己保存はlog.xmlの時点が一番便利かと。 TODO: コメントもとっとく? トラバもとっとく?. Fc2mt.xsl TITLE: AUTHOR: DATE: CATEGORY: ----- BODY: ----- EXTENDED BODY: -------- 今回はJavaのXT,Xercesを使って以下のように変換。 java -classpath.;xt.jar;xerces.jar -Dcom.jclark.xsl.sax.parser=org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser com.jclark.xsl.sax.Driver log.xml fc2mt.xsl result.txt これでresult.txtができるのですが、BODYとEXTENDED BODYタグが入ってしまっているので置換で消して、いざMovableType(MT-3.121-full-jaの、UTF-8)にインポート! キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!
Using the web statistics for making those kinds of evaluations and adjustments is part of the value of these reports.