среда 14 ноября
Chertezh Biljyardnij Stol Avtokad 3,7/5 1231 reviews

Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. No Archives Categories. Short Take-Off and Landing (STOL) Light Utility Aircraft. Regulyator oborotov ventilyatora 220 voljt. The Do 28D 'Skyservant' went on to become the definitive product of the Do 28 line. This from saw a new boxy fuselage added with an increased-area wing. Power was through 2 x IGSO-540 series engines of.

Just a little tips Dawn on Jan 09, 2016 I have ordered different designs inspired by the designer Eames and I gotta say there are all individually great, there is a nice finish to each of the designs and it is really easy to assemble. I thought first that all of them would be delivered assembled but the DSW and DAW comes in two part the feet and seat separate, but to be honest there is nothing as simple as those to build. Regarding the service, not a lot of follow up on order maybe this is something 122 Design could improve but apart from that I am just happy!