пятница 09 ноября
Akt Oplombirovaniya Elektroschetchika Obrazec 3,6/5 7230 reviews

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The 2016 WAEC GCE result is out online. Candidates who sat for the November/December Private WASSCE can now go to WAEC Portal to check their results.

Several candidates have been calling to ask if this result has been released. They should go to WAEC GCE result- checking portal to see. The steps you need in order to check are highlighted in this post. Candidates who want to check their 2016 GCE result are to purchase the WAEC result checker scratch card/PIN which cost N500 (Five hundred naira only). This can be bought from any authorized dealer or an WAEC office nearest to you. How To Check WAEC GCE Result 2016 Online If you want to see your result, you need the WAEC scratch card for checking result.

The PIN on the card, in combination with your GCE exam number and Card Serial Number will enable you to check. Follow the steps below; 1. In the first space, enter your 10-digit WAEC Examination Number. (This is your 7-Digit centre number followed by your 3- digit candidate number eg.